Trashed And Scattered

by Avenged Sevenfold

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:23 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


City of Evil

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1st → Synyster Gates (Lead Guitar)
2nd → Synyster Gates (Rhythm)
3rd → Zacky Vengeance (Rhythm)
4th → M. Shadows
5th → Harmony
6th → Johnny Christ (Bass)
7th → Backing Vocals
8th → The Rev (Drums)

File Size

213 KB




Keep on wri ting you're just ra ping your soul. Don't you ask a bout me ask 'bout some bo dy else, yeah! I can't feel it, won't em brace it, it's o ver whel ming, how far ya take it. And don't you tell me you know we're de stined, you won't con vince me, I won't lis ten. Trashed and scat tered a gain, I'm fee ling so low. You waste your breath while f*** in' with me, my blood is so cold. My de sti na tion's al ways un known I'll find my way there. But you God damn mo ther f*** ers al ways wa stin' my time! I won't be the vic tim, but the first to cast a stone. Se da ted nights to the ball room fights, where me tro po lis takes its toll. And don't you try to stop me, it's a place you'll ne ver know. Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll ne ver let you seize con trol. Play your game and walk a way your in te gri ty don't mean sh*t, huh! Crawl on me, you f*** in pa ra site and I'm gon na take you out! La bel me, that's fine, I'll be some bo dy else. Lie a bout my life and the sto ries I tell, yeah! Oh you're so in sight ful, let me re mind you, to twist and break me should make you wor ried. Two- faced li ar, don't try and know me. De ceit brings fi re, makes sure you can't breathe yeah!